An Evening With… Phoenix Folk

Sun 9th Feb, 7.00 – 8.30 pm on Zoom.I’m so delighted that Maurice and Marina at Phoenix Folk have asked me back for their Sunday night Zoom concert and session. They are always so welcoming and I really enjoy playing their session repertoire with them. I’ll kick off the evening with 30 minutes or so…

Music In Our Roots

Tyneside Fiddle Alliance and Phoenix Chamber Folk Ensemble present Music in our Roots A celebration of new and old folk melodies from the North East and beyond, by two of the region’s leading community folk ensembles. Saturday 23rd November 2024, 7.00pm (doors 6.30pm) St George’s Church, St George’s Close, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2TF. Tickets are £7 each…

Concerts with Frank in September

Frank and I are very much looking forward to getting out and about again in September to share our music in these wonderful communities. We have been enjoying rehearsing and creating some new material, as well as bringing back some old favourites. We would be delighted to see you at one of these lovely venues…

Zoom Workshops in December

It’s time for another set of Zoom workshops! Friday 15th December in the evening for a play-along session, and Saturday 16th December for two fiddle workshops, at 10 am and 2 pm. These are always great fun! It’s lovely to see everyone on the screen, coming together to play-along with some of my favourite tunes…

NEFS Winter Residential 2023

NEFS Residential WeekendFri 1st Dec, 5pm – Sun 3rd Dec, 11.30 amShepherds Dene Retreat Centre After enjoying the December residential weekend last year, and with all the lovely feedback received, we have decided to repeat the event. We are delighted to be returning to Shepherds Dene Retreat Centre near Riding Mill in Northumberland and look…

TFA Annual Concert 2023

Tyneside Fiddle Alliance – Annual Concert Saturday 18th November, 7.00 pm Tyneside Fiddle Alliance will be celebrating their first months in their new home at St George’s Church Hall in Jesmond with a concert in St George’s Church. A lovely evening of tunes in the Northumbrian tradition, played by our community fiddle group in harmony….

NEFS Summer Workshop Weekend

NEFS Summer Workshop WeekendSaturday 8th and Sunday 9th July 2023 We are delighted to announce that Grace Smith will be teaching alongside Stewart Hardy for this weekend, and the wonderful Frank McLaughlin will be coming down from Edinburgh with his guitar to join Stewart for an informal concert & session on the Saturday evening. The…

Stop Press! Bottle Bank Band Concert

Bottle Bank Band are delighted to have been asked to play at St Mary’s Heritage Centre for their Heritage Evening on Tuesday 6th June. Doors open at 6.30 pm for refreshments, and pre-booking is essential. St Mary’s has been our spiritual home since our very first concert, and there’s a chance this might be our…

The Tune Vault

Introducing The Tune Vault on the YouTube channel! A chance to enjoy and even learn some of my favourite tunes, that I love playing for my own enjoyment. Many of these are from the English tradition, and on occasion I will bring in repertoire from around the UK and Ireland, the continent of Europe and…

Edibnurgh Folk Club with Frank McLaughlin

We were very much looking forward Edinburgh Folk Club, after dusting off our arrangements and discovering new insights and approaches. Many thanks to the good folks at Banana Row Studios for providing space for our rehearsals in Edinburgh. And it didn’t disappoint! We had a great time and received a very warm welcome at the…