
MacArthur Road (Dave Richardson)

Download includes the a worksheet (pdf) of MacArthur Road, and recordings of the tune at three different speeds.


To hear a full play-though, visit Stewart’s YouTube Channel (@stewarthardymusic) and find it on The Tune Vault.



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MacArthur Road (Dave Richardson)

One of the perks of touring as a musician is being welcomed into the homes of some truly wonderful people, enjoying their hospitality and developing lasting friendships. Such seems to have been the case between The Boys of the Lough and the MacArthur family of Marlboro, Vermont, USA who provided a safe space at their farmhouse for many travelling musicians. Dave Richardson wrote this tune in their honour and what a cracker it is!


Download includes the a worksheet (pdf) of MacArthur Road, and recordings of the tune at three different speeds.

The sheet music (pdf) contains:

  1. Worksheet containing Source material with chord suggestions
  2. Bowing suggestions
  3. Realization

The recordings zip files (both mp3 and m4a files) contain the following:

  1. Melody recorded at full speed
  2. Melody recorded at a mid tempo
  3. Melody recorded at a steady tempo

To hear a full play-though, visit Stewart’s YouTube Channel (@stewarthardymusic) and find it on The Tune Vault.




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