
Bottle Bank (James Hill)

Bottle Bank is a terrific hornpipe named for the street in Gateshead which led down to the Old Tyne Bridge. It was known as an extremely lively place with lots of pubs, many of which boasted a resident fiddler. Hill himself was associated with a pub on Bottle Bank called The Hawk. The popularity of music hall on Tyneside coincides with the latter years of Hill’s life and this hornpipe has more than a whiff of the stage about it. I recorded this tune for the CD “Hawthorn’s Sweeter Shade” when I imagined a Chaplin-esque drunk attempting to climb the steep gradient of Bottle Bank, placing one foot carefully in front of the other and occasionally stumbling back down towards the river Tyne.



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Bottle Bank

Download includes the sheet music of Bottle Bank with Fiddle Chord Boxes, suggestions for bowings and a realization with ornaments and double stops. Recordings of the tune are provided at four different speeds with a click beat introduction for playing along to.

The sheet music (pdf) contains:

  1. Source material with Fiddle Chord Boxes
  2. Bowing suggestions
  3. Realization

The recordings include both mp3 and m4a formats for each of the recordings:

  1. Melody recorded at 040 bpm
  2. Melody recorded at 050 bpm
  3. Melody recorded at 064 bpm
  4. Melody recorded at 072 bpm

Bottle Bank is recorded by Stewart on Track 3 – Bottle Bank of Hawthorn’s Sweeter Shade, and on Track 9 – Bottle Bank with Bottle Bank Band.

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